How to Create Instant Happiness

Over the July 4th holiday, I was traveling back from a marvelous time in California’s Napa Valley with dear friends and found myself sandwiched into an airline seat with little-to-no-room to move around. Realizing I had several hours ahead of me in this sardine-like environment, I became instantly annoyed with my seatmate and his physical […]


11.15.10 Show Your Clients They Matter

An Account Review is an essential part of client retention and…
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11.12.10 What’s the Narrative of your Leadership

Does your leadership narrative reflect what your audience wants/need…
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11.09.10 Solutions Not Pitches

Have you ever considered how we create a "mind set" based on…

10.17 Sales Training a “Must Have” in this Economy

A press release issued this week by the Aberdeen Group points…
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09.10.10 Leadership Development: HBR Comment

Today, Harvard Business Review posted an interesting article…
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10.05.10 Sales Training: Overcoming Fear

Harvard  Business Review columnist JD Schramm posted an interesting…
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11.07.10 Hard Won Skills

Most likely in your business, there are skills that are intuitive…

05.18.10 Even in Paradise

Even in paradise, consistency of message matters...I just spent…

11.14.09 Is Today the Day I Worried About Yesterday?

Greetings from China: Just picked up my luggage in Singapore...I…