How to Create Instant Happiness

Over the July 4th holiday, I was traveling back from a marvelous time in California’s Napa Valley with dear friends and found myself sandwiched into an airline seat with little-to-no-room to move around. Realizing I had several hours ahead of me in this sardine-like environment, I became instantly annoyed with my seatmate and his physical […]


02.08.10 What E-mail Mistakes Are YOU Making?

My 2009 year-end newsletter stressed meeting face-to-face with…

02.02.10 Renewed Perspective

I’ve just returned from a little New Year’s respite quite…

01.26.10 Selling Solutions in Frenzied Times

The fashion world is a mercurial one where you need to understand…

12.06.10 A World Away, and Yet Familiar Territory

I just returned from my Singapore Training with American Express…

11.22.09 Insight from Singapore

Just completed the Client Development/Situational Presentation…

11.14.09 My View from Singapore

My view from the Mandarin Oriental in Singapore.

11.14.09 Is Today the Day I Worried About Yesterday?

Greetings from China: Just picked up my luggage in Singapore...I…

11.13.09 Off to Singapore!

Today I'm taking off for Singapore! I'll be working with American…

03.31.10 I just want to maybe say…

Qualifiers Don’t Work in Any Country. I’ve just returned…