How to Create Instant Happiness

Over the July 4th holiday, I was traveling back from a marvelous time in California’s Napa Valley with dear friends and found myself sandwiched into an airline seat with little-to-no-room to move around. Realizing I had several hours ahead of me in this sardine-like environment, I became instantly annoyed with my seatmate and his physical […]

11.14.09 Is Today the Day I Worried About Yesterday?

Greetings from China: Just picked up my luggage in Singapore...I…

11.13.09 Off to Singapore!

Today I'm taking off for Singapore! I'll be working with American…

02.22.10 Listen to Grow

…for there is no growth without changing, correcting and questioning…

02.08.10 What E-mail Mistakes Are YOU Making?

My 2009 year-end newsletter stressed meeting face-to-face with…

02.02.10 Renewed Perspective

I’ve just returned from a little New Year’s respite quite…

01.26.10 Selling Solutions in Frenzied Times

The fashion world is a mercurial one where you need to understand…

12.06.10 A World Away, and Yet Familiar Territory

I just returned from my Singapore Training with American Express…

11.22.09 Insight from Singapore

Just completed the Client Development/Situational Presentation…

03.31.10 I just want to maybe say…

Qualifiers Don’t Work in Any Country. I’ve just returned…