Entries by Steve Giglio

Using Video for Training

Let’s go to the video tape!  Those of you in New York will recall this famous, often-used line by long time sportscaster Warner Wolf. I realize most of my clients would prefer to be chased by a wolf than be videotaped. However, I must say that after 25 years of videotaping and coaching executives there is […]

Five Steps of Persuasion

Persuasion is a good thing…in fact, it’s a great thing! However, that’s true only provided that you are persuading the right person or organization to accept an idea that will forward their business agenda along with yours. If you are doing it just so you can be right, then you are using this power the wrong […]

Find Your Seat at the Table

Taking your seat at the table in business can be daunting. There are naysayers, skeptics, and executives who feel their voice is the only voice required at that table.

Client Management, It’s Not About Being Right… It’s About Being Followed

In business, much of our time is devoted to maintaining and growing our client/customer base. It’s essential to any company’s long-term prosperity. But managing the clients we already have is just as critical. And in those cases, it is more important that you are followed, rather than being right.

I’d Love To Make My Mark…I’m Just Too Busy

Does that sound familiar? Making your mark as a leader is important. It establishes your credibility while inspiring your teams to follow your lead. Teams want/need a leader who has a vision, is vocal about it and knows how to operationalize their spoken vision. It’s that simple, it’s just not that easy to accomplish. 

Interview Like a Consultant

Jobs change…they come, they go, they get eliminated, they get created…like business roulette! Mission critical for all of us is to stay on top of the wave. If we miss it, we’ve got to find the next one…fast! Get Ready for the Head Change When that job change comes, do your best to interview like a […]

Lead People to Look Inside, not Out

Every time you observe a Direct’ s client interaction, realize it’s an opportunity for you to coach and develop. Too often we’ll forget to debrief a Direct on what they did well and what they can strengthen. If you coach them correctly, they may lead you to new ways to help them develop.

New Managers: How To Coach and Enjoy It!

Picking up from last week’s post about fitting in as a new manager, let’s look at ways to provide direction and shape a Direct’s behavior. Your organization believes you can develop and lead people. Do you believe it?

New Managers: How To Fit In

When managers are brought in, assigned or moved to another department, it upsets the apple cart a bit. Perhaps you have been, or are, that manager now. How do you fit in?

To Be a Great Leader…Teach, Don’t Tell or Do

Many of my clients are quick-learning, driven executives. Often, though, I stress the importance of teaching directs how to accomplish a task/project versus telling them how to accomplish it or worse, doing it for them.