Entries by Steve Giglio

Size Them Up, Then Test the Waters

Here’s an essential modus operendi going into the New Year, make 2014 the year you illustrate your keen understanding of client’s business BEFORE you recommend they purchase your product/service.

Go Ahead and Argue…It’s Ok

My very first manager, Nick, taught me most of what I know today as a consultant. He began my consulting education by teaching me how to “have the war now and the peace later.” He knew that a consultant who could, with confidence, argue a point from the perspective of what was best for the […]

Leadership Develops Over Time…All the Time

A few years ago, I was coaching an executive who’s 360 peer review was quite critical. She took it hard and asked me if it was too late for her to develop the skills the 360 pinpointed she lacked. I vividly remember the sound of her voice, it was infused with resignation and confusion. She was […]

Giving Thanks for Clients

This holiday season I will be thanking my clients and followers.  While the time will come to plan for next year, and hopefully grow your business, this is the time to thank those who helped you get to where you are.  It’s important to acknowledge each and every relationship we have in business…or they won’t […]

To Lead, Don’t Be a Friend…Be Frank

We all want to be liked. That’s especially true in an office/work environment. But good leaders know that sometimes, being honest and frank, keeps your employees moving forward. Too often a leader’smfirst desire is to be a friend to their direct report versus an objective observer who discerns behavior that can be strengthened.

Sell Like a Child Would…Be Persistent, Yet Likable

Ever been confronted by a child who wants something…really badly? How many times did the child get what he/she wanted? More times than not? That’s because children possess a skill that most of us have lost a long time ago…the ability to be relentless while still being likable, even lovable! Why Children Would Make the […]

Account Management IS Sales Management

“Toto, I’ve a feeling we are not in Kansas anymore” – Judy Garland in The Wizard of Oz. As all of us have experienced, business has evolved dramatically since 2008. One of the areas most affected is account management with business partners. For many years you only needed a team of reactive people who could […]

Coaching Employees: Show Them You Care

I’ve coached many leaders and the one area that often is a blindspot is the area of deliberately caring about each direct report they have. Many times I’m involved in situations where leaders have been directing their teams but haven’t built up any coaching equity. They merely set the team’s direction and monitor the output/deliverables […]

Handling Difficult Clients: Act Like Your Teacher

Throughout my work in executive development, I often recommend that clients think of one of their favorite teachers to get beyond a challenge they currently have. It’s an amazing process. You get in touch with the characteristics/behaviors you still remember even up to today and then see how your own behaviors match up.

What Is a Mentor (and Can You Be One)?

Mentors are often assigned, but often not successful. Throughout my client base I have begun coaching mentors on …how to mentor. It’s been my experience that rarely does a mentor understand their importance and the gift they have just been given. Coaching and shaping another person is an important responsibility. It requires a formal set of observations […]