Entries by Steve Giglio

My CEO Needs to Understand My Input

As a leader, it is important to have insight and the ability to understand what you and your team need to achieve in the long run. However, effectively communicating this insight to higher-ups without making them feel threatened can be challenging. The key is to remember that they will need time to accept your innovative […]

Take a Lesson from Your Tailor

We select clothing, such as a sports coat, and then a tailor alters it to fit perfectly. The challenge for us in business is realizing and acting when we need to tailor our approach to our clients because, in its original form, it’s not quite the right fit. During a recent business development/sales training program, […]

How to Create Instant Happiness

Over the July 4th holiday, I was traveling back from a marvelous time in California’s Napa Valley with dear friends and found myself sandwiched into an airline seat with little-to-no-room to move around. Realizing I had several hours ahead of me in this sardine-like environment, I became instantly annoyed with my seatmate and his physical […]

Kindness is Contagious

My wife Ellen and I just returned from a marvelous vacation culminating with a cruise through several beautiful French and Spanish ports. Like everyone, when I travel for (mostly) pleasure, I like to relax and leave my worries behind. However on this voyage, it started out as anything but! Those who work with me know […]

Plan Your Race

Marathon runners know that the only way to successfully finish a race is to have a plan…and stick to it. Too many times, inexperienced runners go out at a pace much faster than normal only to lose steam in the grueling last few miles. As a leader, whether in sales, marketing, business development, private equity, […]

Yikes, My Boss Confuses Me!

I hate to say this, but I hear this a lot. Leadership confusion comes in many forms. But most often, it boils down to one thing: inconsistency. Teams respond to leaders who comport themselves with consistent behavior they can count on and trust. Alternatively, if the leadership behavior varies based on mood, pressure, or just […]

Remaining Vital in a Hybrid Workplace

Our world now bifurcates into a hybrid environment and an office environment. As I wrote about earlier this year, many of you had a choice…work from home or at the office. What did you choose…the kitchen table or the office table? For those of you who have chosen to work more virtually rather than physically, […]

Replace Hesitation with Inspiration

Second-guessing oneself is normal and will always haunt us when delivering an idea or recommendation we’re asked to provide. Try replacing hesitation with inspiration! Taking Risks Makes a Difference Too often, many of my clients hesitate when tasked with finding a new direction or solution to an organization’s problem. Here’s the thing: your leadership wants […]

Give It to Them Straight

Throughout my career as a leadership development professional, I’ve learned much about myself and others. One of the essential competencies I’ve developed is to be straight with people, especially as a coach. Here’s an example of it in practice… Resistance to the Truth Several years ago, I coached an executive in charge of the mergers […]

Kitchen Table or Work Table?

You’ll realize my vote as you read on… I’ve been working with many pre- and post-COVID clients who primarily work from home. To be clear, they work for organizations/companies that have physical offices. But they have chosen to remain remote for whatever reasons they have…professional or personal. Here’s the rub: while many now realize the […]