Sales tips, leadership communication skills insight and more from Steve Giglio, sales training professional for more than 25 years.

11.13.09 Off to Singapore!

Today I’m taking off for Singapore!

I’ll be working with American Express executives who meet with banks throughout Asia to offer the Amex Card to their high net-worth customers.

Blog to you from the Orient!

02.22.10 Listen to Grow

…for there is no growth without changing, correcting and questioning yourself.

Marvelous, tough medicine for you and me.

In my work in Executive Development and Sales Training, I have needed to self-correct and listen to the objective evidence to grow and develop.   I always will.  I encounter many different professionals with many different challenges. To advance in their companies, each faces specific developmental challenges to succeed.  The success-link running through all my coaching interactions is a person’s trust in themselves to adapt and change when the objective evidence says so. This says easy, does hard.

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03.31.10 I just want to maybe say…

Qualifiers Don’t Work in Any Country.

I’ve just returned from London working with very switched-on executives in the banking world. What I noticed is they often used qualifiers throughout their negotiations.  Qualifiers are words that dilute and weaken the statement.  Subtly, you lose your listener’s confidence.  Here are some examples:

What I’d like to do today

I guess my concern would be…

I just wanted to go over…

What I am trying to show you …

I believe we have demonstrated…

I think the best thing to do is…

Make sure you know when you are qualifying a statement and when you are not. It will make what you are saying, and how you are being, more clear and compelling.