Sales tips, leadership communication skills insight and more from Steve Giglio, sales training professional for more than 25 years.

10.17 Sales Training a “Must Have” in this Economy

A press release issued this week by the Aberdeen Group points to the critical role sales training plays in keeping the best companies on the top of their game.  Here is the article:

BOSTON, MA, Oct 12, 2010 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX) — Prospects and customers demand more than a product list from their sales rep; they seek added value through consultative and problem-solving skills, with need-based conversations instead of sales pitches, and often desire a long-term relationship that survives the drying ink on the contract. In this environment, maintaining credibility, customer satisfaction and profitability requires ongoing attention to the skill sets of any company’s front line, in order to assure the highest degree of sales effectiveness in managing prospects through the sales cycle, according to a new research study on sales training published by Aberdeen Group, a Harte-Hanks Company (HHS 12.82, +0.12, +0.94%) .

Sales Training: Deploying Knowledge, Process and Technology to Consistently Hit Quota, which examined 835 organizations’ sales effectiveness, found that 77% of sales reps in top-performing companies currently achieve their annual quota, compared to 35% for sales teams in other companies.


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09.10.10 Leadership Development: HBR Comment

hbr logoToday, Harvard Business Review posted an interesting article on its blog site.  It’s all about hubris.  Specifically, how to deal with your own so that it doesn’t come back to bite you.  You will see that I posted a comment, suggesting that hiring a staff that challenges you is a good way to keep your hubris in check.

For the article click HERE and, scroll down in the comments to see what I said.  Then let me know what you think!

10.05.10 Sales Training: Overcoming Fear

Harvard  Business Review columnist JD Schramm posted an interesting look at communication fear this week.  It’s a topic I help clients with a lot in my work.

I pulled this from the article, which is both funny and on target:

“Jerry Seinfeld made famous the line about funerals and public speaking: “According to most studies, people’s number one fear is public speaking. Number two is death. Death is number two. Does that sound right? This means to the average person, if you go to a funeral, you’re better off in the casket than doing the eulogy.””

I took the opportunity to post a response, providing some tips regarding videotaping that you might find interesting.

For the article click HERE and, scroll down in the comments to see what I said.  Then let me know what you think!

11.07.10 Hard Won Skills

Most likely in your business, there are skills that are intuitive and there are those that are hard won.  The latter are the most challenging yet, they are critical to your success.  Whitney Johnson tackles this issue in her latest blog entry on  And I posted my thoughts on the relevancy of her writing to the work I do.

Take a look by clicking HERE.

05.18.10 Even in Paradise

img00241-20100518-1135Even in paradise, consistency of message matters…

I just spent several great days with clients at The Grace Bay Club in Turks and Caicos.  In speaking with the Chief Operating Officer, we got into the importance of everyone who works for and represents the property to be in one-voice when presenting it to guests or clients. We’ll be working together on synthesizing their value proposition then coaching their teams in the conversational delivery of it. 

A client of mine once said, at every meeting with a client you’ve got to reinforce your unique value or people will homogenize you with your competitive set.  I deal with that every day and it is the foundation of what I work on with all clients.

11.22.09 Insight from Singapore

Just completed the Client Development/Situational Presentation Program in Singapore with American Express. Fascinating news/discovery…

…one of the participating clients was a Vice President who manages client relationships in Japan for AX, a very switched on professional executive.

Upon being videotaped and coached on his physical delivery he realized the importance of holding his eye contact on his key listeners and increasing his physical involved in his communication.

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11.14.09 My View from Singapore

singaporeMy view from the Mandarin Oriental in Singapore.

11.14.09 Is Today the Day I Worried About Yesterday?

Greetings from China:

Just picked up my luggage in Singapore…I meet my driver and he tells me that Singapore is very busy due to the APEC mtg. I ask “gee, will it be hard to get a taxi tomorrow…Monday?”

He says it’s Saturday today.

I ask AGAIN, “Is it Saturday or Sunday?”

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11.13.09 Off to Singapore!

Today I’m taking off for Singapore!

I’ll be working with American Express executives who meet with banks throughout Asia to offer the Amex Card to their high net-worth customers.

Blog to you from the Orient!

02.22.10 Listen to Grow

…for there is no growth without changing, correcting and questioning yourself.

Marvelous, tough medicine for you and me.

In my work in Executive Development and Sales Training, I have needed to self-correct and listen to the objective evidence to grow and develop.   I always will.  I encounter many different professionals with many different challenges. To advance in their companies, each faces specific developmental challenges to succeed.  The success-link running through all my coaching interactions is a person’s trust in themselves to adapt and change when the objective evidence says so. This says easy, does hard.

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