I’m Ready! No, You’re Not.
Your View: I am ready for a seat at the executive table.
Your Boss’ View: Nope…not yet.
Your Reaction: What’s wrong with me?
There’s Nothing Wrong
I certainly understand the feeling that there must be something wrong or you’d be getting the call to go up the majors. That call will come. You just need to be patient and in the meantime, work on your skills so you are ready.
When your manager recommends a development program based on your 360 evaluation, it means he believes in you and wants you to succeed. He wants you at the table…and is ready to give you the tools you need to get there. You’re in a process of transformation. What that means is you have been given a profound opportunity to transform certain behaviors that have precluded you from the executive table and/or voice you want to have heard.
You Have Work to Do
It’s akin to the AAA league in baseball, known as “the minors.” Players at that level are given the opportunity to work on their skills, develop good habits, work with other exceptional players/coaches and learn. If they apply themselves daily to the goal of getting to the major league, they will be ready when the call comes and take advantage of it. A guy name Derek Jeter started that way. Ever heard of him?
Get Ready and Be Patient
Like with Jeter, your development process and transformation won’t happen overnight. Typically, it happens over a year or more. Be patient. Jeter spent three years in the minors! Being anxious or worse, feeling entitled to a seat the executive table, will only set you back. Being genuine and relationally tenacious with your executive recommendations will win the day and solidify your transformed image.
Stay with it. People need time to change their mind; you need time to change their thinking.