Entries by Steve Giglio

There’s No Entitlement in Business

In one infamous scene in the movie “A League of Their Own,” Tom Hanks’ girls baseball manager character is shocked to see one of his players weeping after he has scolded her for making a bad play. “Are you crying? Are you….crying? There’s no crying in baseball!” Right!  And there is no entitlement in business. […]

Leadership Trait: Being A Good Shepherd

Strong leadership traits come in many forms. One I see often is from those leaders who are able to shepherd an idea/vision that many on their team didn’t, or can’t, see at the start.  It requires  thinking through a situation and presenting a different viewpoint/paradigm than your team can currently envision.   That says easy…does […]

Executive Development Tip: To Coach…Drop the Fear

I’ve spoken about the importance of on-sight observation (of a direct report) to be bullet-proof when coaching. We all as leaders need to add to this action the confidence to relationally invade an exec’s turf by articulating our observations and intention to develop them. The risk here is that many won’t enjoy the process the […]