Entries by Steve Giglio

Building Effective Teams: Call It Like You See It

More and more often, many of us are selling and consulting with clients as a team versus alone. In most cases, teamwork makes sense. It is a great way to illustrate the concern your organization has for the client relationship and the diligence you have put towards it. The concept is easy, succeeding at it […]

3 Reasons Why Sales Training Programs Fail

“See that over there,” he said to me as he pointed to a sales training book used as a doorstop. “That’s what happened to the last guy we hired to help our team.” That was my introduction to a potential new client recently. Clearly, I had my work cut out for me. But his experience […]

Top Selling Tips: The Ten Commandments of Selling

I’m often asked what are the essential rules of selling. While there are many, here are my Ten Commandments of Selling based on recommendations I’ve made to clients throughout the years:I. Google/LinkedIn every decision makerFar too often, we we’ll run to a prospective client meeting without understanding their professional background and many other points to their […]

Avoiding Conversation Killers

We’ve all experienced moments when we said something expecting it would lead to an engaged conversation only to get little, or a negative, reaction. For example, asking a friend, “Hey, how is your husband?” only to have the person answer, “We split up last month.” Nowhere positive to go from there. That’s a conversation killer. […]

Effective Presentations: Can You Say It In 10 Seconds?

If you can say it in 10 seconds, it will be remembered. That’s a tip I want YOU to remember the next time you are preparing a presentation. If you can effectively communicate the main point of your presentation in 10 seconds, you are on your way to creating a talk people will recall long […]

In Over Your Head? Adjusting to a New Job

In my work, I come in contact with many people in new jobs. They’ve recently joined a company, have moved into a new department or have been promoted. And often, the initial reaction these people have to their new situation is, “Wow…I’m in over my head,” followed by a bit of panic. So, how did […]

Networking Do’s and Don’ts

Your boss says: “Make sure you go to this event tonight, its an important opportunity to network.” You say, “Ugh, really?” I say, “Go! You never know what’s going to happen or what it will be like. But only go if you’ll have fun doing it!”

The Are No Easy Answers

Some people assume there’s got to be a secret system to “getting it right” every time—a set of tricks. How else, they reason, can people far less competent consistently be more successful than they are? The temptation is to look for a quick and easy answer. There isn’t one. It’s critical to your success that […]

Business Development is Not an “Add-on” Responsibility

Are you feeling the pressure? Many of my clients are. When they were hired, they didn’t have any or much business development responsibilities. That was handled by “other people.” However, as the business world evolves, more and more companies are tasking employees with generating new business. So, on top of their day-to-day tasks that have […]

Top Ten Leadership Mistakes

Over several years of coaching leaders, I have observed many common mistakes they make. Some have clear signals, others are a bit more subtle. The following is a compiled list of those mistakes. Use it to assess how you are leading your team and be aware of how it affects your leadership abilities. Failing to […]