Sales tips, leadership communication skills insight and more from Steve Giglio, sales training professional for more than 25 years.

My Third Lesson in Selling

Having moved on from the insurance world to the world of training and development I began consulting with a mega star in commercial real estate. He was the vice chairman of the firm and a brilliant negotiator and consultant. He spoke passionately about New York City real estate and could untiringly debate an issue.

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My Second Lesson in Selling

In my last blog post, I spoke about my first sales manager, the finest selling machine I have ever had the pleasure from which to learn.

We now move to my second greatest sales manager. A guy who was a cross between Fred Astaire and Jack Welch. He defined smooth. From his dress to his British pipe there was not a person or company he could not establish a comfortable environment with…each time, every time!

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Take Two of These and Call Me in the Morning

Often clients request training on their “Pitch Decks,” meaning their business’s value proposition that illustrates their product offering/recommendation.

But here’s the “rub” with this. Client Representatives fall in love with their pitch deck to such a degree that they believe it’s the cure-all/silver bullet for any client meeting.

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Sales Training Tip: Do YOU Know Why You’re Meeting?

We can’t manage the outcome of a client meeting, we can manage our actions in it.

Have you thoroughly planned your moves before your next client meeting? You must! It is critical that YOU know why you are having the meeting and can anticipate what is important to your client. What are you trying to accomplish? With a solid client plan you can be flexible but also focused and clever enough to relationally steer the call.

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My Fast Company Article on Heroes vs. Champions

Rainmakers, aka Heroes, have been neglected as potential coaches. The rainmaker is the person the entire company looks up to as the leader of new business. He’s the “cool guy.” The guy who’s impervious to any client pressure or threat. The guy whose sales stories you can’t wait to listen to and learn from. He’s also an essential resource salespeople can learn from and emulate, but…

…no one ever explained to him how important it is to care and coach. Every company needs more internal coaches, whether they be sales managers or rainmakers breaking their actions down into transferable steps. He needs to be converted into a Champion.

Fast Company just published this article where I explain further what I mean:

Your Business Has Heroes–But What It Needs Are Champions. Which One Are You?

“I can’t be the only one closing business here. The clients always want just me.”

Ahhh…our Hero. Always there to come in and save the day. He is the one by which all others are measured. He gets the results and doesn’t need anyone else. He is Super Executive!

But a Hero is not what companies need.

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Sales Tip: Deeper into Client Research

Client research has been my theme the last few weeks. In my last post, I listed 10 cricital things to know about your client before entering into a meeting or negotiation.  Did you find them out?  I promised to dive deeper into a few of the recommendations so this week, we’ll do just that.

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Sales Training Tip: Researching Clients for Success

Last week, I gave you some basic considerations when preparing for a client meeting. It takes a good amount of preparation and thought, yes?

As promised, this week I’ll list what I have found to be some useful required information that you must know before going into the meeting.  Know all of this and you’ll be set for a very successful, productive meeting.

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Sales Training Tip: Sell to the Second Table

Decision Makers: Are They at the Table?

One of great opportunities in negotiating during a meeting is determining who sits at the “second” table from the current table at which you are sitting. You know that eventually you need a sales meeting with the decision maker. But do you know who it is and what their issues are?  Getting to the second table is not that difficult if you know how to position yourself with your day to day contact. The solution lies in probing.

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Leadership Development Tip: Leading Isn’t Blinking

Declare Your Position and Stand by It

My leadership development clients are often in position to make recommendations.  I tell them that delivering a client recommendation is all about taking a stand and presenting your idea declaratively, no matter what.

Some executives feel that being too declarative is arrogant. I disagree.


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