Sales tips, leadership communication skills insight and more from Steve Giglio, sales training professional for more than 25 years.

Setting Goals: Make 2013 Better Than 2012

There is a great adage that says “Time and tide wait for no man.” I often think about this when I’m creating my new year’s business and personal goals.

I started this year by jumping ahead to December 2013, and determining what income and type of business I want by then. Then I determine what business I need to produce to achieve the end of year results I want. I also factor in fall out from certain clients (hyphenated?) business and that the income derived from them has to be replaced. My year-end goals factor this in so I have a business cushion when my goals are met.

On the personal growth side I review my aphorisms and reflect on how effective I’ve been with them, which ones I’m doing well with and which ones on which I’ve got to focus more.

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Leadership Tip: Organization is Power

Throughout this past month I have had the pleasure of working with many varied teams crafting their respective value propositions.

I’m so heartened by the fun of this exercise and what it illustrates to teams. The results are incredible.  And all it takes is a little organization.

Put Me In Coach, I’m Ready To Play

There is a great German saying: Ubung, Ubung machen Meister (translated into English) Practice, practice makes a master.

I often coach clients whose direct boss takes the spotlight/gametime from them, essentially relegating them to backup status.

These execs are ready to lead a portion of the client meeting but get put on the bench.  They want to play!

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Mixing the Storm with Business

“I know what your going through, I lived it with Katrina”.

My client’s words of comfort automatically calmed me down and said to me it’s okay, sometimes the world works this way.

He said this to me as I was introducing an upcoming training we are planning together and I realized the adage “People buy people first and product second” works, in fact, it never fails. As a sales trainer and executive development coach increasingly I adhere to this adage.

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Leadership Tip: What’s the Plan, Coach?

Way too often managers coach reactively versus proactively.  A situation arises and they coach based on resolving it, rather than having the coaching as part of a more long-term plan for the associate.

The result is the sporadic development of your team based on immediate needs rather than long-term goals. There is a better way.

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Leadership Tip: Trust Creates a Coaltion

In coaching a CFO last year, I discovered during his 360 Feedback Interview that he could not find his voice at the CEO’s table. I first observed my client’s frustration with this, noting anything I saw as a red flag. But I chose to go a step further. I asked him how long this tentativeness had been going on and what it actually felt like to him.

That’s when I learned a lot about his character….and a little bit about myself too.

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Listen, Learn, and Engage… (aka Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace)

“Les Miserables” author Victor Hugo wrote, “Not being heard is no reason to be silent.”  Yet, it’s confronting at times to engage in a meeting when you’re not sure how your idea will be received. I’ve found over the years that it’s more important to voice your idea/recommendation than it is to hold back on it.

A great client of mine insists that his team put forth their ideas as often as possible. His belief is that through a respectful, vigorous dialogue/debate great things occur. I agree!

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Sales Training Tip: Tenacity Works

A recent survey among sales executives revealed the following:

80% of all sales are made after the fifth call
48% of salespeople call once and give up
25% call twice and quit
12% make three calls and stop
5% give up after the fourth call
Only 10% keep on calling

And, it is this 10% – the one salesperson in ten – that makes 80% of the sales.
– The National Research Bureau, Inc.

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Executive Development: It’s Not Me…It’s Them

Recently, I began coaching a bright, articulate head of M&A of a financial services organization.

His 360 Degree Feedback Report was quite eye-opening in that most of his peers did not speak very favorably of him. Seemingly inconsistent with that feedback, he spoke very highly of them and was sure they would do the same for him.

Upon reviewing the Report with him he said, “it’s the job that illicited these comments, not me.” For a moment, I was taken aback with his response.

I remember saying to him, “Really? It’s the job not you?” And he reinforced his belief.

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Executive Development: Great Coaching Moments

From great teachers we’re moving to great coaching moments:

A sales training client of mine is a fixed income broker in New York City.

They hire elite salespeople who are quick in their thinking and have strong commercial judgment.

During one training program, a student asked me to resolve a consistent objection he seemed to be getting throughout his selling efforts.

He lamented that often a money manager would say to to him, after his clear description of a specific bond for him to buy, “Let me think about it.” Sound familar to you, too?

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