How to Create Instant Happiness

Over the July 4th holiday, I was traveling back from a marvelous time in California’s Napa Valley with dear friends and found myself sandwiched into an airline seat with little-to-no-room to move around. Realizing I had several hours ahead of me in this sardine-like environment, I became instantly annoyed with my seatmate and his physical […]

Sales Training Solutions 2023: Part 3

Changing Behaviors My last blog addressed systematic changes…

Sales Training Solutions 2023: Part 2

Transform Order-takers Into Authorities Sales teams are challenged…

2023 Sales Training Solutions: Part 1

In my last post Sales Team Leadership Challenges in 2023, we…

Sales Team Leadership Challenges in 2023

People often ask me, "What's changed the most for your clients…

Leadership by Example

Lead by example. You've heard that before I'm sure. But by what…

A Bad Review? Transform Your Behavior

Yikes! A Bad Review!! What to do? Winter is the season when…
man pointing straight ahead with words We Want You on image

New Job Opportunity! Great…or Is It?

Unexpectedly. Or expectedly, you’ve got a job offer in the…

What’s Your Transformation Point in 2023?

In traveling through Morocco, Madrid, and Milan at the start…

‘Tis the Season to Keep Your Clients

Right now, your company's business development executives are…