Entries by Steve Giglio

Before You Call: 3 Questions to Ask Yourself

Email. Text. Chat. Voicemail. All of these have become common ways in which we communicate with clients and business associates. But what about the big one…the phone call! Lost in our digital age is the importance a phone call can have in determining the future of your business relationships. And yet, many times I’ve witnessed seasoned […]

Give Directions, Not Just the Destination

Most of us have some kind of mobile device we use for directions. We plug in a starting point and a destination and voila…fully mapped out routes. Apps like Google Maps and Waze will give alternate routes from which to choose, essentially asking for our input. So, if a mapping app can do that, why don’t […]

Seven Reasons to Change!

As you grow as a leader, you will change, whether you like it or not! How you change and the impact that has on your development, your team and you future is up to you. Sometimes, the changes are requested by others who see your potential, even if you don’t. I work with many people […]

Fearless Probing Questions

In my last post, I listed the 10 Worst Questions to Ask a Client. So, what questions should we be asking? Given the pressures so many of have on producing results it’s important to understand that the pressures we have, our clients have, too.  Therefore, to “serve” clients as an adviser, not a vendor, you […]

Leadership Job #1: Finding, Shaping and Promoting Talent

I was recently asked to write an article focused on the Private Equity industry. The following is that article. I hope you will find elements that can help you in your business as well. Do you remember when you first entered the Private Equity business? Maybe it was quite a while ago, maybe just a […]

Ten Behaviors that Shape a Private Equity Champion

Recently, I was asked to pen an article focused on the Private Equity industry. The following is that article. I hope you will find some useful tips for YOUR industry. Becoming, and remaining, successful in Private Equity presents many challenges. Champions figure out how to overcome them so that they can stay ahead of the […]

Knowing Client’s Business Helps Your Business

It has certainly helped mine! Several years ago, I was hired by a tutoring company to design their value proposition and work with their executives to demonstrably strengthen their ability to procure business. Through our relationship together we brought to the surface many of their challenges and neutralized them as they manifested. Last year the CEO […]

Helping Clients Handle the Brexit and Other Dramatic Events 

“Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.” -Helen Keller The Brexit for many is a daring event, one rife with stress either real or conjured. Living in a world where the global economy affects so many businesses, right now your clients and business partners may be at a point of panic.  What next? This […]

Change the Conversation

On a recent client assignment, I realized my client’s team could greatly increase their resonance with current and prospective clients by changing their conversations with them. Far too often business development consultants and leaders of teams have too many peripheral conversations, not intimate ones. It happens outside of normal business, too. Here’s an example from my recent visit […]

Presentation Tips: Planning, Controlling and Closing

I’ve been coaching executives and sales teams for a while now. And I have found there are three main areas in which people have at least one weakness when it comes to presentations or sales calls. It’s either they aren’t planning their meetings well enough, they lose control of the meeting, or (in some case […]