Sales Training Tip: Do YOU Know Why You’re Meeting?

We can’t manage the outcome of a client meeting, we can manage our actions in it.

Have you thoroughly planned your moves before your next client meeting? You must! It is critical that YOU know why you are having the meeting and can anticipate what is important to your client. What are you trying to accomplish? With a solid client plan you can be flexible but also focused and clever enough to relationally steer the call.

Focus the Client and the Call

This focused attention brings you control and an organic level of concern and empathy felt by your client. Clients know when you are on your “A” game and when you are not.

You’ve got to plan/orchestrate the call by doing the requisite research and establishing the probing questions you know you need to ask to determine the goals and challenges of your client. You then need to choreograph your presentation so that you know it almost by heart.

It’s also essential to pre-determine the questions and objections you’ll inevitably face. List these issues, then answer them in the prioritized order you believe they will be asked in. Whether these questions arise or not it’s a great game to play to ready yourself for the client meeting.

Then, let it all go…by remaining open to your client’s issues.