steve training

03.07.11 Making Sure Employees Succeed

steve trainingSuccess is a powerful motivator.  So, how can you ensure that your employees get that kind of motivation, the kind that comes from their own achievements?  Harvard Business Review has a few ideas on that…and I have a few of my own.

Harvard Business Review article


The author makes essential points to develop key people.

Given my work in executive development and communication training, as you create their plan for success and build in the metrics to measure their progress, keep a sharp eye out for training/coaching opportunities you can provide to them.

As your team develops notice their communication skills in varied business settings.

How effective are they one on one?

How effective are they in a small and large group setting?

When they deliver an idea or recommendation are you inspired?

How do their teammates relate to their ideas and recommendations?

These are important observation points and opportunities to contribute to a person’s development.

I’m especially cognizant of a client’s alacrity and engagement in important issues facing their respective organizations. Notice their staying power here and their ability to remain grounded and focused.