Entries by Steve Giglio

Get Noticed by Relationship Building

Relationship building should be a constant in your professional life. It certainly is in mine. While I’ve successfully built my leadership development and sales coaching business for many years, I’ve never done any advertising. It’s all been about relationships. Is relationship building a core part of your daily/weekly/annual activities? Perhaps you’re waiting until you “have […]

Mid-Year Reviews: Don’t Count on Your Boss’ Memory

For many organizations, it’s Mid-Year Review time. This should be a time to celebrate your achievements. It is NOT the time to debate them. There is one problem, though…you’re boss is unlikely to remember what you’ve done these past few months. They probably cannot outline your accomplishments accurately, so do it for them! Here’s how… […]

What is a Healthy Debate?

One often hears the term “healthy debate” as a reference to two or more sides getting together to hash out an issue that could escalate into argumentative discourse if not dealt with upfront. Some might believe that a debate in business cannot be healthy at all since it pits people against each other. They’d rather […]

Discover the Purpose Before Setting the Goal

During these times, our zeal to get back to normal and drive business forward is quite important. Goals are set and we create plans that can get us there. But what might get overlooked is the purpose behind the goals. The “why” before the “how.” A recent example demonstrates what I mean. I was introduced […]

Do Unto Others….

You know the rest of this important life lesson. As you develop as a leader, it is mission-critical for you to carry/embody this lesson daily with you. Recently, I was working with an executive and I conducted a 360-degree review that was quite critical. What surfaced from my interviews was that he exhibited a consistent […]

Stop the Indifference!

I live in a city where a hamburger routinely costs more than $25. And while patrons are enjoying them, somewhere nearby is a fast-food joint selling a burger for less than a dollar. Why in the world would someone pay 2,400% more for the same product?  Two reasons: quality and value. The same is true […]

Three Indispensable Communication Principles

You must “be” before you “do.” You can “do” to the extent which you “are.” What you “are” depends on what you “think.” -from the book: The Master Key System by Charles Haanel Said simply, you must talk the talk and walk the walk to succeed. “Be before you do” means understanding who YOU are […]

Run Your Race

From the biblical meaning to the meaning in the movie “Secretariat”, the phrase “Run your race” is important to impart to others. It says, despite the defeats of life, stick to your plan. As you develop your leadership skills, and those of others, keep this phrase in mind. Developmentally it says when you hit barriers, […]

Five Steps for Coaching in Action

My previous two posts discuss how important it is to retain employees post-Covid and that feedback is a core tool you need to employ toward that end.  So, now that you’re ready, willing, and able to develop your team, I have outlined five essential actions to take to insure a relational, professional conversation. Throughout this […]

Coaching and Feedback Post-COVID…More is Better

Based on my last blog that dealt with employee retention through strong leadership, you’ve completed an inward look at yourself, determined your goals, and assessed if you’ve conveyed those goals effectively to your team, right? Ok…then the next step is to provide coaching and feedback to your team. Now more than ever, they need it. […]