
Don’t Orphan Your Board Members

They don’t get it.

Why do they still ask the same questions?

I really have these issues handled.

Many a President/CEO I’ve heard utter these laments. And each time I hear them, I begin x-raying the situation. Most often I find that a set of Board members have been unwittingly orphaned by the exec. By orphaned I mean excluded from a leader’s strategic plan or vision.

Build a Board Relationship…Individually

Job #1 is to develop a relationship with EACH Board member. Every Board member is different, no matter what they purport.
Remember, every person in business wants to be affirmed, board members are no different. They enjoy speaking their mind and explaining their values and what’s important to them.

Let them.

Acceptance First…Convincing Second

The more you understand their values the easier it is to persuade them to embrace your ideas and recommendations.
I believe that people buy people first and solutions/product/services second. That means that you need to be accepted as a confident and respected ally BEFORE you present your ideas for your organization.

Enjoy the breakfast meetings with each Board member, you’ll learn a lot about who they are and what’s mission critical to them.

You just have to ask…and listen.