Lew Taffer 2

“Steve’s honest, intelligent assessment of each executive and his plan for their development has made them, and the company as a whole, more successful.”

Lew Taffer, Chief Marketing Officer, iGPS Company, LLC and former Senior Vice President, American Express Establishment Services

Lew Taffer

“Steve Giglio tailors specific programs for each of his clients, always utilizing his full intellect, business knowledge and unfailing instinct for their benefit. Steve had a huge impact on the effectiveness of my executive team and he remains a trusted friend and advisor to them to this day.”
Lew Taffer, Chief Marketing Officer, iGPS Company, LLC and former Senior Vice President, American Express Establishment Services

Edward Menicheschi 2

Vanity Fair gets results from Steve Giglio

“Steve Giglio creates a new way of doing business for the executives and sales teams he trains. They see results so they embrace the change.  It becomes permanent.”
Edward Menicheschi, Publisher, Vanity Fair

Carolyn Ullrich

Lexis/Nexis works with Steve Giglio for executive development

“I learn a lot about my team and individuals when they work with Steve Giglio. He provides ongoing feedback on the process so I never have to ask what is happening and can adjust how I work with my team according to what Steve discovers.”
Carolyn Ullerick, CFO, LexisNexis

Pascal Guignard

“Steve Giglio is such a valued advisor to me that he is now a critical part of my hiring process. I often consult him and rely on his advice  when hiring for a senior sales and negotiations position.”
Pascal Guignard, Vice President & GM NBP & Airlines, American Express Services Europe Ltd.

Jason Wagenheim

Vanity Fair benefits from Steve Giglio’s executive training programs

“Steve’s program gave me a higher level of confidence, allowing me to be more assertive, driven and in control. Steve always wants you to win and will settle for nothing less.”
Jason Wagenheim, Former Associate Publisher, Vanity Fair

Edward Menicheschi

Vanity Fair benefits from Steve Giglio’s executive development and sales training programs

“Steve Giglio affects change in our executives and teams immediately. He is an integral part of our business, producing short- and long-term results that are as important as ever in this economy. The work Steve does for us is crucial to our success, especially now.”
Edward Menicheschi, Publisher, Vanity Fair