Sales tips, leadership communication skills insight and more from Steve Giglio, sales training professional for more than 25 years.

Leadership Is Not Overcommitting!

Raise your hand if you have ever said one or more of the following:

I’d like to spend time leading my team, but I’ve got to focus on….
Renewing my existing clients
Retaining my high performers
Branding activity
My P+L
Business forecasting
HR issues
Compliance issues
Daily fire drills
Operational issues only I can solve
Inter-company issues
Legal issues
Community relations
Reviewing my team’s daily client interactions

Sound familiar?  What others are on your list?

There’s never an ideal time to lead your team. It seems like there is always something else more pressing. However, orphan your team at your peril. Without leadership, they will take matters into their own hands and that’s when your value proposition starts to weaken. Leading your team is not overcomitting…it’s your job!

Coaching Requires Discipline

Coaching people requires discipline, just like training for a marathon, learning a musical instrument or preparing for an important client meeting. To grow, we need discipline. Imagine if you raised children without any guidance!

The real question is: how important is it to you that you develop your team? I will tell you that it’s very important to your team. Who else do they have?

Start by asking yourself these questions:
Does your team know where you want them to be in six months or a year?
How will they know this without your direction? (Hint: the six-month check-in is not enough)
What can each direct report strengthen?
If you don’t tell them and give them a path to develop going forward who will?

Teams Need Direction

Your team will develop only through your direction. Try listing what you appreciate about each direct report and what you would strengthen. Then sit down with each person and share with them your thoughts. In doing this, you will establish a dialogue of development. It will make a large difference in each person you interact with and your direct report may surprise you with changing their behavior.

Keep in mind, you do not have to be perfect with your development efforts; you just have to make them. You will strengthen these skills over time but in the meantime, your team will see and appreciate the effort you are making. Make the time!

What is keeping you from developing your team? Let me know with a reply. -SG

Five Body Language Tips for Effective Presentations

You are sitting in a presentation and the speaker doesn’t move…for an hour! Are you engaged in the content? Conversely, your presenter is on the move constantly and it is like watching a tennis match…back and forth, back and forth. Does that get your attention or is it distracting?

Up to 90 percent of communication is judged by one’s physical delivery. If your body language doesn’t align with your spoken content, audiences will remember your delivery style more often than your words.

Over the past thirty years, I’ve discovered five physical actions to avoid when delivering an idea:

1. Looking Down

Looking down while speaking signifies uncertainty with the content. It can also communicate an unwillingness to answer a difficult question. Keep your head up and be confident in what you are presenting. Looking around the room when you are presenting implies you are searching for an answer or don’t know the content. Both are bad signs.

2. Lack of Enthusiasm

You’ve got to enjoy your conversation with a client and their team. Once you’re engaged, they engage. It’s always in that order. Get psyched in the morning with a great song you heard at the gym. Take some strong, deep breaths. Pump yourself up. Do whatever YOU need to do to get excited. Remember…you have heard your presentation many times (because you’ve rehearsed it, right?) but, they haven’t!

3. Non-Words

Nothing communicates tentativeness more that saying “ah or um” throughout a communication. In place of the non-word, put in a pause. You will give your communication more weight. No one wants to sit through a 30 minute soliloquy. A pause will allow them to digest what you are saying. It also gives you time to gauge their reactions by observing THEIR body language and craft your next points accordingly.

4. Being Motionless

Think John Madden delivering a football commentary. He wasn’t perfect but he enjoyed every thought he delivered. Gestures play a part in one’s voice tone. Your hand goes up, your voice goes up. Your hand goes down, your voice goes down. This movement keeps a communication alive and vital.

5. Using Qualifiers

Qualifiers are words we use that dilute the meaning of other words in the same sentence. Words such as think, might, want, hope, like, perhaps, maybe, and suggest weaken a recommendation to a client. “Perhaps our product might help with your situation,” is far less effective than “I recommend our product as a solution to your situation.” As you practice your presentation, note how many of these words creep into your communication. Once you are aware of them, you can work to eliminate them.

People will trust your recommendations when you deliver them with confidence. Your body language won’t lie so, pay attention to what you are saying…even when you aren’t speaking!

Leading is Living the Experience

I’ve just completed a program with the leader of an organization whose humility and confidence was profound. She participated in the program on Business Development with her direct reports. In a very demonstrative case of “leading by example,” she was willing to be coached and learn right along with them. It made a difference.

Here’s what her participation illustrated:

* Caring about the experience her direct reports were going to go through

* Courage in being the first up to experiment with different business development techniques we talk about in the program

* Humility in being coached in front of her team

* Commitment to developing her team

Further to this she realized the profound impact she has as the leader and the large impact she has in her team’s development. Through her own experimenting, she now has a shared experience to draw from as she shapes her team’s behavior. She also clearly sees the strengths and developmental areas of each person on her team. This is essential to building a team of green berets in business development.

Leading a team is all about making a difference with people and having people understand what’s mission critical. You’ve got to persist with your team to illustrate your devotion to development. The good ones will follow your lead from this behavior. Take heed of the ones who don’t!


The Big Impact of Small Talk

“How are you doing?”
“How’s the weather where you are?”
“What’s new?”
“What’s your sign?”

We all use small talk a lot to start of conversations. But too many times in business meetings, we use opening questions like those above (Ok…probably not the last one!), the answers to which do nothing to move your relationship or meeting goals forward. I can’t stress enough that time with a client should be used wisely right from the start.

The moment you greet your client must be light, tight and bright. This is the point in time…just after the “Hello” and handshake…to say something that proves you know their business and their needs are an obvious concern of yours.

Small Talk Takes Planning

Being successful with small talk is not a given. Solid, connected client small talk takes planning and forethought. You’ve done your homework, reading articles, studying financial reports, learning about the competition and prepared a solid recommendation. Now is the time to make that work payoff right out of the gate. An example:

A client of mine had an upcoming meeting with a key executive. Before the meeting, I insisted that together we study the company’s web site, review 11 pages of news, determine if any new products were being introduced (by them or their competition), review the executive’s LinkedIn profile and look over other publicly available information. When we arrived, he already had his opening line ready so….”Hello”….handshake…and then he asked: “Curious…when do you think you’re new product will be approved by the FDA since it’s already approved in Canada?” The client was visibly impressed, perked up and said, “How did you know that we were working on that exact issue yesterday?”

And the conversation went on from there….with no mention of the weather!

And Quick Reactions

While preparing your opening small talk in advance is a good idea, you’ll also need to be quick on your feet. Small talk may lead to something you need to react to and if you don’t pick up the signals, you’ll lose an opportunity to impress.

For example, I once accompanied a client on a meeting with one of the world’s largest ad agencies. When the assistant media director greeted us, she said, “Sorry, I’m running late. I’ll only have 10 minutes for you. Things are crazy since I’ve moved back from London.” What my client heard was “10 minutes.” So, to be respectful of her time, he quickly launched into his presentation. What I heard was “moved back from London.” At the end of the meeting, I asked, “Since moving back, have you noticed that advertising people in the UK have more savvy than New York advertising people?” She immediately brightened up, relaxed her face and body briefly and said, “I can’t believe you said that! That’s the main thing I’ve noticed since I returned.”

The ice was broken…but unfortunately it was at the END of the meeting. My client should have engaged the client and asked about her return with a sense of real caring and empathy. Heck…she had as much as said that the return was causing her stress. He needed to “stay in the pain” and ask about it. What a different meeting that might have been.

So, the next time you meet with someone, be sure you have an opening remark, comment or question prepared that relates to their business. And, be ready to listen, think and react to their opening lines. Keep doing this for meetings and you’ll never talk about the weather again!


What’s the Plan? Leading Your Next Conference Call

I have a client who hosts up to 25 conference calls with clients…per month! The challenge, besides the sheer volume, is that his clients usually have four people on the call and so does he. Adding to the complexity is that each conference call participant is in a different part of the world! I am currently coaching him on how to manage this so that he gets the results he wants. But leading a conference call is a skill that, unfortunately, so many fall short of doing well.

How Strong is Your Conference Call Leadership?

How good are you and your team at leading effective conference calls with clients? Pay attention to the next call where the team is presenting their recommendations/solutions. Is there a plan? Does everyone know it? Are each person’s roles clearly defined? Do they fully understand what you want?

Without a plan for something as important as a client conference call, you are leaving yourself, and your team, vulnerable to someone, probably your weak link, taking control of the call and leading things in the wrong direction.

How To Conduct an Effective Conference Call

Follow all or most of these conference call tips and I am sure your client calls will be more effective, your team will be more engaged with their client and you will see positive results.

  1. Choose your conference call moderator/facilitator: who owns the process both internally and externally? Let them champion it all the way.
  2. Establish you and your team’s expectations of the call, know every one of them throughout your team, then determine the most important three.
  3. Create the agenda you and your team will follow to craft the content of the call.
  4. Set participant roles and responsibilities and rehearsal times (yes, times, not just one but two or three)
  5. Pinpoint client questions and concerns; task teammates with determining solutions.
  6. Send out the final conference call agenda, and ask your client what additional items they want covered. Make the additional items a priority.
  7. At the start of the call, get verbal agreement on the agenda from each client stakeholder (know everyone’s name, use it and know what’s important to each)
  8. Restate the client’s collective goal and challenges as previously synthesized.
  9. During the call explain how your content “LINKS” to your client’s desires (use the word “LINK” or say “What this means for you and your business is…”)
  10. Build in discussion time after each person’s portion of the presentation to understand what your client is thinking/perceiving (it’s a great way to cheat on the test!).
  11. Recap the To-Do’s from the call at the conclusion of the discussion.
  12. Send out the set of next steps the same day (it shows your responsibility and urgency).

Follow these tips and you’ll be building a strong team that can communicate effectively by following a process you put in place, giving them confidence in you as their leader.  Let me know how it goes.

What the World Needs Now…Is Listening

I’m truly compelled now, with our nation’s recent events, to emphatically recommend to all my clients, readers and friends, to listen more to people than you ever have. Listening affirms someone. It says I care about understanding your issue, challenge, dream or worry, BEFORE I share mine with you.

Listening honors someone. Once they feel this, they in-turn will honor you. The more you listen, the more you forward your relationship with your client. The more you probe and ask questions that organically match their situation the more they will divulge.

That disclosure is precious and not to ever be minimized or dismissed. Rather it is to be cherished for it’s the aperture into which you will speak to establish a side by side relationship with you client.

Empathize with your client. Maybe their team isn’t listening enough to them. Maybe their family isn’t listening to them.  Everyone wants to be heard and they appreciate when they are. You have the opportunity to forge a climate of free disclosure. Clients remember this, they remember you for this.

Here are Four Listening Tips:

  1. Never take your own opinion as gospel
  2. Plan your questions the night before
  3. Play back what you hear, it’s an invitation for a client to disclose more to you
  4. Ask for your client’s opinion of issues, it’s very inviting

For other post where I’ve focused on listening, please check out the following:

Great Leaders Listen…But to Who?

Listen, Learn and Engage

Listen to Yourself First

Find Your Client’s Motivation First, Not Yours

Take time to listen to your clients, your friends and your family now…and make a practice of it. Understanding and compassion for their issues, goals and desires will follow.  And we can all use a bit more of that in these times.


Never Underwhelm Again

In speaking with a new client, I found it interesting to hear her lament relative to business development. She spoke about underwhelming a client during a presentation and asked how to avoid this going forward.

I asked, “Did you relate the presentation to what they told you about their business? Did you probe further to find out their real pain points? Did you retrofit those points into your recommendations?” She hadn’t. So, what had happened is she gave a canned presentation that, while very well crafted, had no relevance to the client. In other words….there was no “Wow” factor!

Anticipate…then Retrofit

The presentation you’re about to deliver actually starts weeks before you deliver it. It’s your job at this stage to anticipate a client’s challenges and incorporate them into your presentation. Heck…it’s easy to talk about your offering in a vacuum. You can do that all day. But, your job as a trusted adviser is to craft a compelling reason for your offering that answers a problem/challenge your client has acknowledged.

Once you find their challenge and size it with your client you then must retrofit it into your presentation. That’s the “WOW” factor. The great part of this technique is to say to a client, “As you have shared with me, XYZ has been a challenge, is that right?” Now, they know you have listened, you understand their world and they are as invested in the presentation as you are. That’s a recipe for success right there!

How prepared are you for your next client meeting? What help do you need?  Let me know below. – SG

Time and Money Are Obstacles, Not Objections

A client I was training described the following scenario:

“I want to sell on value, but throughout my presentation my customer kept bugging me about ‘How much is this going to cost?’ and ‘Just give me the bottom line.’ I wanted to get through my presentation before discussing price, but he was so adamant I felt evasive if I didn’t answer him. What could I have done?”

Most objections can be summed up in two phrases:

“I don’t have the time.”
“I don’t have the money.”

And once your client voices either or both objections, it’s one of the most volatile times of the meeting. However, if you keep a positive perspective and treat the objections as simply obstacles, not dead ends, you can then move the conversation towards your end goal.

Let’s deal with each of these separately.

Why Is Time a Factor?

It seems everyone is time strapped these days. So, when a client says they don’t have time, what they are really saying is that they believe they have more important issues/concerns on their mind. What does that tell you?  Well, it tells me that you haven’t done a sufficient job creating an urgency around the solutions you are recommending. Are you having a mission-critical conversation? If so, why don’t they think it is?  Dig into that gap and you’ll find what you have to communicate to create a more important conversation.

In the case of my client, I recommended she say, “Which aspect of the recommendation seems too time-consuming for you? Let’s review your objectives and quantify the time required so can discover if the time investment is greater than or less than the benefit of the solution. Ok?”

They Don’t Have the Money?

Of course your clients have money. But what they are saying here is, “We don’t have the money for you!”

When all a client talks about is money, their real concern is not cost…it’s profit. And what you’re presenting to them has value because it will ultimately make money for them….right? (If not, run out of the room!). Keep them focused on the ultimate profits, not the short-term costs.

When a client goes to price, it means they aren’t seeing the value. You have to demonstrate that value. And how do you do that?  By asking the right probing questions up front so that you know where the value opportunities are for them. If you go at this without knowing their goals, short and long-term, there is really no way, except for dumb luck, that you will offer a solution that they will see as having value. You’d have a better chance of success in Vegas.

So, getting back to my client who was struggling with her presentation, here is what I recommended she say: “Clearly, you are concerned about your budget. What I’m recommending will benefit your bottom line. Once I lay out the proposal you will see how that will occur. By the time I’m done, I am confident you will understand the value. Can I continue?”

Remember that you aren’t the first, nor the last, to be faced with these two common objections. Treat them simply as obstacles and you will be among a smaller group that gets past them.

Have another common client objections? Let me know what it is below. – SG

6-month Business Development Check-in Steps

The month of June is a great time to check in with your Business Development Team. My first sales manager, Nick, once said to me, “By June, you should know your entire year.”

Here are a few things to do now so that you and your team are celebrating success in December!

Reconfirm Your Leadership Ethos

As the business leader, you are responsible for establishing your leadership ethos. This is the spirit of your culture, the guiding beliefs of your team. A few key action steps you can take to achieve this are:

  • Determine a set of adjectives that describes the character of your team in the marketplace. You should poll your team about what they think those are. Additionally, getting feedback from customers on this would be extremely valuable…and possibly eye opening!
  • Work with your team to solidify how clients should feel about meeting with anyone in your organization.

Find Out How They’re Doing

You need to check in on each team member’s year-end sales objectives. You have those set, right?  It’s important to work with them now on challenges so they don’t persist. For those who are seemingly doing well, it will also be important that you discover if they are closing the “right” business. Do their new customers have long-term potential? Is having these new accounts good for your business or will they be a drain on resources? Right now is the time to suss this so that you can create a plan moving forward that will focus on business your company really wants.

What Are Their Top Ten?

Another step is to make sure you know each business development person’s top ten accounts and the respective decision makers they have. Your team needs to understand what your team is saying to each decision maker and if they have traction with the executives. Are they communicating your company’s value proposition effectively and consistently. And if so, is it resonating? Adjustments can be made now that will help avoid negative year-end results later.

Require Face to Face Meetings

As you check in with your team, determine the number of face to face meetings they are having with clients. And set a goal for the next six months so they understand your expectations with this. Meeting someone face to face illustrates a desire to establish a relationship with them. When you probe someone you cannot rely on just a phone interaction, you need to feel their responses to know what is truly important to someone. This affirms the client and let them know that they are important to you.

While talking about client meeting goals, communicate to your team your understand that face to face meetings are difficult….they take time to set up, they are sometimes met with resistance (“Just send me an email with your questions.”), and the border on public speaking, of which some may be fearful. So, remember to acknowledge each person when they accomplish this, its vital to their self-esteem and affirmation that they are being successful.

Standardize Client Meetings

Finally, make sure each business development person’s sales meetings have these ingredients:

  • Agenda to the meeting
  • Ten probing questions
  • A seven to nine-minute presentation that presents your value proposition
  • A clear next step critical path from the meeting

Insuring the above will produce a high performing team that will achieve the goals you’ve set forth for this year.

OK…with less than six months left in the year, if you follow these steps now you will set your team up for great success. Let me know how it goes! -SG


Essential Guide to Understanding Client Questions

You’ve prepared a presentation for weeks, doing all your homework, getting insight from your client, researching trends, etc. The day comes and you nail it! But then….they ask questions. And the wheels start coming off the bus. Been there? Most of us have.

As salespeople and communicators we must understand the essence and meaning of questions in business. Simply put…they are NOT picking on you. Questions from clients or prospects are requests for more information, not an attack on your ability or the ability of your company/product/service. Questions asked are not meant to debunk your idea; they are asked so that a better understanding can be gleaned.

Your reaction to client questions is as essential as what you say. Come off as defensive and they may think you have something to hide. Come off as too cocky and, well, no one really likes that. The key is understanding the nature of their questions so that you can answer appropriately, positively and with information that will allow them to make a decision on the next steps.

10 Fundamentals of Client Questions

To help, here are what I consider to be the 10 Fundamentals of Client Questions. Keep these in mind as you prepare for questions prior to your next meeting.

  1. Clients want information. Don’t take their questions personally.
  2. When asked questions, increase your empathy. Engage your client and reinforce that you understand their perspective as you give your answer.
  3. Anticipate client questions before the meeting and resolve them ahead of time. Have a colleague come up questions and see how you do answer them.
  4. Answer all questions…when appropriate. Be honest and forthright, of course. But, a client may try to jump the conversation ahead with a question, forcing you to move past key points that you need to make. Respectfully let them know you have a few points that will help to answer their question.
  5. When you resolve questions, you are teaching.
  6. Clarify general questions to pinpoint your response. It’s OK to answer a question with a question so that you get the heart of their concern/issue.
  7. Use confirming questions to verify that clients understood AND accept your answer. “Can you now see how our service will decrease your costs over time?” If they say no or give a lukewarm answer, probe further. “Our service alleviates X and provides more time for your team to do Y. Are you starting to see how that could lead to higher production and profitability?”
  8. Make your answers concise.
  9. Make eye contact and other physical movements that convey confidence in your answers.
  10. Be in charge of yourself; own your answers. Let them know by your words and actions that nothing is going to throw you off your game today…or ever.

If you want more information or details about any of these points, they are all given full explanation in my book:

Or just drop me an email and I’m happy to give you further insight. Let me know how your next round of client questions goes!