It’s Not Wrong to Be Wrong

One of my New Year’s resolutions (yes, I still make them because what gets measured, gets done) is to read a minimum of one business book a month. I’m off to a good start, having completed Adam Grant’s book, Think Again.

He’s onto some great transformational behaviors we can adapt as we lead clients out of our global pandemic. For one, he recommends we let go of our knowledge and opinions that don’t serve us anymore. If you aren’t willing to change your mind, you can’t change anything.

Change Your Mind…Even in the Moment

Case in point. I’ve been working with a CEO client of mine, brainstorming about how to contribute to his new, inherited leadership team. I initiated delivering my ideas only to find out that he’d put as much time into thinking about our process as I had. I realized at the moment my client presented his ideas that I was wrong in my direction. I quickly held my tongue and listened to him orchestrate a great set of actions we’ll operationalize in Q1. I also decided to LEARN from my client what was dearest to him and embrace being wrong. My idea being right was not the goal so, I could let go of that. It was very freeing. Thank you, Adam Grant!

Embrace Being Wrong

Therefore, as you boldly move into client meetings and present your ideas/recommendations, embrace being wrong when this occurs and accept the learning from it. Being wrong is not wrong…insisting you are right is. Openly acknowledging that you needed more input from your client creates an honest, collaborative relationship. By doing this you will become closer to your clients, having established a mutual commitment to shaping the best solutions together.

It’s great to suspend your opinion and learn from others.

What did you learn from your clients and/or direct reports today? Let me know! – SG