Leadership Develops Over Time…All the Time
It’s Not Too Late to Achieve
I responded by asking her if she thought it was too late (because I knew it wasn’t). I explained that the fear and confusion she felt was normal given how often the mind focuses on survival versus achievement. The only place “too late” existed was there. As long as we’re willing to listen to the objective evidence and allow people to contribute to us, we can grow and prosper.
Being Vulnerable is a Leadership Trait…
…Blame Isn’t
One area upon which she focused was blame. In the past, she was critical of those who didn’t come through with results, blaming them for their shortcomings. She began to realize the benefit of understanding her direct report’s strengths and aiding them in their developmental areas. She realized that she could truly contribute to each one of them in their development versus orphaning them. Executive development is all about growth, not blame. She lost her fear and began to confidently lead her team forward, something they all wanted and appreciated.