04.08.11 The Right Guy

Guy is right.  Kawasaki, that is.  An article this month on FastCompany.com highlight five lessons from Kawasaki’s new book, “Enchantment.”  From what I hear, a good read.  Let me know if you’ve read it and what you gleaned from it.  The article in Fast Company highlights what my last two blog entries have done as well:  the power of feedback, if taken professionally and acted upon.

Three things you can act on now:

1)  Pick up “Enchantment” (Click HERE for more about the book)

2)  Read the Fast Company article, which you can find HERE.

3)  Assess the last time you got feedback.  How well did you handle it?  Have you done anything with it?  Did you change a behavior as a result?  What does the person who gave the feedback think now?

The last one indicates a need to systemetize your approach to feedback.  And if you know me, you know that’s a huge part of what I help people do.  Let me know if I can help your company in a similar fashion.