Reflecting on 2024

Reflecting upon this past year, I’m most fulfilled by seeing and feeling clients’ efforts to broaden and strengthen themselves.

Each of us is on a development journey. I’ve learned, and I teach, that this exploration is always ongoing. The true gift is the growth, not the speed at which achievements are realized.

Part of that growth comes from receiving, and giving, feedback. I’ve often stressed that feedback is a contribution, not a castigation. In my last post about annual reviews, I recommended that you hold it positively, knowing that you will learn a lot if you are willing to really hear the feedback you’re given. It’s also critical that you deliver feedback so that it can be received as helpful, caring, and committed.

When engaging with clients in the upcoming year, it is as important as ever that you fully develop a tailored value proposition. In this process, I continue to be gratified when I create a climate of discovery through insightful probing questions that get deep into a client’s needs. This process, each time completed, illustrates to teams the technique of being interested, then interesting. It fosters a genuine level of client affirmation well before one starts to present a solution.

Thank you for following this blog and participating in this year’s observations and discoveries. I promise even more in 2025.

Happy Holidays!