Four Business Development Tips for Moving Ahead During COVID

Most of us have mainstreamed into the next normal – digital business development. And it comes with a lot of challenges, not the least of which is how to keep moving your career ahead. A lot of my clients are facing this challenge and are adapting using the four tips I’m providing below. Give them some time, try them out on your next virtual meeting, and hone them so they become part of how you operate instinctively.

1) Be the optimist
Just about every business has been disrupted during these times. You don’t need to remind people of that. They are living it! What you can do is present your recommendations that will lead to a way through it. Take some chances, make some bold moves, and demonstrate that you are thinking about their business as much as they are. No one wants to do business with someone who is over-conservative attempting to transform their client’s business. Be excited and clear-of-mission in presenting your recommendations

2) Listen for the 2021 dream
Yes, we’re back to insightful/intimate questioning. Discover the business priorities/ideal outcome your client desires by Q3-Q4 2021, then tailor your recommendations to what matters most to those outcomes. We will return to a healthy world eventually. Facilitate post-COVID conversations with clients now so that you are part of the COVID-recovery/exit process when it comes.

3) Remain connected/tenacious
Care for your clients by keeping the conversation going. Once you know their direction, reassure them by staying in front of them with potential ideas and the accretive benefits to these ideas.
Remember that business development works like this: No. No. No. YES!

4) Be flexible
Recognize the changes in your client’s direction and how they’ll underwrite their 2021-2022 business. Next year could be an intermediary year for your client. Make sure you find this out. Knowing this will help you tailor your post-COVID recommendations.

Remain optimistic. Support their dream. Stay connected. Be flexible. Do these things so that you are primed and ready to be their partner as they move through these times to a brighter future (with YOU in it!).

Next week: Four LEADERSHIP Tips for Getting Ahead During COVID